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Europa Hotels & Resorts 1.0.0
Hotel Europa is the demonstration app forhotel and property managers that features the mobiSHOUT 4 Hotelsplatform. Hotel Europa allows Smartphone and Tablet users tools toenhance vacation and resort travel by allowing vacation planningand providing information including- Property locations and Geo-location- In-app purchases- Property news and publications- Push notifications of offers and specials- Reservation and event services- Social media interactions- Property and point of interest (POI) maps
NAU Hotels & Resorts 2.0.0
Welcome to the new application of NAU Hotels& Resorts.Travel around Portugal with our app and discover fantastic 5 and4 star hotels in Douro, Lisbon, Alentejo and Algarve, magnificentspas and three 18-hole golf courses.The application will allow you to access special promotions forstays in our hotels as well as promotions regarding our spas,restaurants, golf courses and special last minute deals.Check room availability and rates, services and offerings ofeach hotel. Book your room in a quick, easy and secure way.Discover the ideal hotel for your holidays by its location onthe map, find out how to get there and take a look at the mainsuggestions for your stay. Also get to know places of interest tovisit in the geographical area of each unit.Download the application right now and gain access to constantlyupdated information about NAU Hotels & Resorts.
mobiFUT 1.2
NEVER MISS A FOOTBALL EMOTION!The mobiFut is an app for you to read the latest news aboutfootball in several languages. Know in real time what’s happeningon this amazing sport.**NOW WITH GOOGLE CLOUD MESSAGES**
Jornal Oficinas 2.0.2
JORNAL DAS OFICINAS é a primeira publicaçãoperiódica portuguesa dirigida aos profissionais do sector Oficinale Aftermarket automóvel.Pretende ser um meio de comunicação privilegiado para a comunicaçãoentre os fabricantes, distribuidores de peças e equipamentos e asoficinas auto.O Jornal das Oficinas, edita uma publicação impressa, organizaEventos e produz o um canal de TV.JOURNAL OF WORKSHOPS isthe first Portuguese periodical publication aimed at professionalsin the automotive aftermarket industry and Workshops.Aims to be a preferred means of communication for communicationbetween manufacturers, distributors of parts and equipment and autorepair shops.The Journal of workshops, publishes a print publication, organizesevents and produces a TV channel.
Revista ACP 2.0.1
Tenha a revista do ACP sempre à mão.Quer ler “aquele” artigo de uma edição da Revista ACP que já nãoestá em seu poder? Ou ficar a saber o que o número deste mêscontém? Então esta é a App certa.Be the revised ACP handy.Want to read "that" in an edition of ACP magazine that is nolonger in your power article? Or find out what number this monthcontains? Then this is the right App.
Voz da Madeira 1.1.0
Voz da Madeira é uma publicação,editadamensalmente, que visa dar eco às mais variadas áreas deintervençãoda nossa sociedade. Num propósito de esclarecer,entreter,informando com rigor e imparcialidade os que vierem a sernossosleitores.Voice of the Wood isapublication edited monthly, which aims to echo the variouspolicyareas of our society. In order to enlighten, entertain andinformwith accuracy and impartiality of those to be ourreaders.
mobiPROMOS 1.0
A mobiPROMOS é uma app GRATUITA, que lhepermite aceder aos folhetos e brochuras promocionais das principaiscadeias de supermercados, tecnologia, vestuário, saúde e bem estar,casa, bricolage e jardim, desporto, mobiliário, telecomunicações, emuito mais.Fique a conhecer as campanhas, descontos e promoções em vigor, eaproveite para poupar nas suas compras.Mantenha-se informado sobre as principais novidades através dosistema de notificações.Consulte os folhetos digitais de forma fácil, rápida econfortável, em qualquer lugar e sempre que precisar, e aproveite opapel que lhe entope a caixa do correio para… outra coisa!The mobiPROMOS is a FREEapp that allows you to access the brochures and promotionalbrochures of the major supermarket chains, technology, clothing,health and wellness, home, lawn and garden, sports, furniture,telecommunications, and more.Learn about the campaigns, discounts and promotions in place,and take the opportunity to save on their purchases.Stay informed about major news via the notification system.See digital brochures easy, fast and comfortable way, anywhereand whenever you need, and enjoy the role that it clogs the mailboxfor ... anything!
Sacred Cross EMS 1.0.0
WELCOME TO SACRED CROSS EMS, INC. APPSacred Cross EMS is an EMS Provider licensed by the StateofTexas Department of State Health Services under the directionofour Medical Emergency Director, Dr. Sean Flemming, M.D. All ofourambulances are licensed Mobile Intensive Care Units whichmeansthat our crews consist of both a Paramedic and a EmergencyMedicalTechnician.We provide emergent and non-emergent ambulanceservicesincluding:. Critical Care. Advanced Life Support. Bariatric Support. Basic Life Support. Wheel Chair Transport. Event Stand ByContacts:(940) 566-1188 Dispatch Main(940) 566-1155 Office
PSD Partido Social Democrata
Aplicação do Partido Social Democrata. FaçaDownload para estar a par de tudo o que acontece no PSD. Aceda deforma direta ao PSD@TV, Povo Livre, notícias, vídeos e a toda aatualidade da Política Portuguesa.Application of the SocialDemocratic Party. Download do to be aware of everything thathappens in the PSD. Go directly to PSD @ TV, Free People, news,videos and all of today's English policy. 1.0.0 é um portal de promoçãoecentral de reservas da oferta turística de Portugal.De norte a sul de Portugal, do litoral ao interior.Alojamentos diferenciados, pacotes turísticos, roteiros, epropostasde atividades muito diversificadas.Portugal é um país de clima ameno, e sobejamente conhecimentopelassuas belas praias algarvias, e pelos grandes empreendimentosdeLisboa, do Porto e da Madeira.Portugal é tudo isso e muito mais.É toda a sua costa atlântica, os encantos dos seus territóriosdointerior, e muito principalmente toda uma riqueza de diversidadededestinos e de produtos turísticos de eleição.Visite-nos nas plataformas,, e isaportal for promoting and booking center of tourisminPortugal.From north to south of Portugal, the coast inland.Differentiated accommodation, tour packages, scripts, proposalsandvery diversified activities.Portugal is a country with a mild climate, and widely known foritsbeautiful Algarve beaches, and the great enterprises ofLisbon,Porto and Madeira.Portugal is all that and more.Is your entire Atlantic coast, the charms of their territoriesinthe interior, and a whole lot especially rich diversityofdestinations and tourism products of choice.Visit us on the,, and /portugalrural
Revista Ponto Turismo-Amadeus 1.0.0
Em cada edição da Ponto Turismo podeserencontrada uma entrevista de profundidade com um líderempresarialou institucional de grande importância no setor, bemcomo questõesrelevantes sobre a indústria de viagens e turismoabordadas sob oponto de vista da economia, gestão ou tendências. Arevista incluitambém informações e funcionalidades do sistemaAmadeus,especialmente concebidas para os profissionais das agênciasdeviagens que utilizam o Amadeus e os seus mais recentes produtosedesenvolvimentos.Entre os entrevistados para a revista Ponto Turismodestacam-se:Taleb Rifai, secretário geral da OMT; António Costa,comopresidente da Câmara Municipal de Lisboa; Adolfo MesquitaNunes,ex-secretário de estado do turismo; Javier Gandara, diretordaeasyJet para Portugal e Espanha; Stephen Kaufer, fundador e CEOdoTripAdvisor; Luiz da Gama Mór, vice-presidente da TAP.Juntos vamos alterar as viagens no futuro.In each edition ofPointTourism can be found a depth interview with a corporateorinstitutional leader of great importance in the sector, as wellasrelevant issues on the travel and tourism industry discussedfromthe point of view of economics, management or trends. Themagazinealso includes information and functionalities of Amadeussystem,specially designed for professional travel agencies usingtheAmadeus and its latest products and developments. Among those interviewed for the magazine Point Tourisminclude:Taleb Rifai, secretary general of UNWTO; António Costa, astheMayor of Lisbon; Adolfo Mesquita Nunes, former secretary oftourismof the state; Javier Gandara, director easyJet flights toPortugaland Spain; Stephen Kaufer, founder and CEO of TripAdvisor;Luiz daGama Mór, vice president of TAP. Together we will change the travel in the future.
CM Elvas - Património Mundial 2.0
Instale a app CM Elvas – Património Mundialesaiba o que se passa no nosso Município. Ideal para turistaseresidentes, esta solução procura valorizar a experiênciadoutilizador, permitindo, de forma interativa, aceder anotícias,eventos, pontos de interesse e percursos pedestres dentrodoconcelho.O objetivo desta app é mostrar tudo o que o concelho de Elvastempara oferecer e mostrar-lhe porque merece a distinção dePatrimónioMundial da UNESCO.Graças à tecnologia iBeacon, pode receber notificações sobreummonumento, uma obra de arte ou qualquer informação históricasempreque se encontre num dos pontos de interesse de Elvas.Planeie a sua visita ao nosso Município!Install the CM Elvas app-World Heritage and know what is happening in our city. Idealfortourists and residents, this solution seeks to enhance theuserexperience, allowing interactively access news, events, pointsofinterest and walking routes within the county.The purpose of this app is to show all that Elvas county hastooffer and show you why deserves the UNESCO WorldHeritagedistinction.Thanks to iBeacon technology, you can receive notificationsabouta monument, a work of art or historical information each timeyouvisit one of the points of interest Elvas.Plan your visit to our City!
MIEC 1.0
The origins of MIEC date back to 1990,whensculptor Alberto Carneiro put forward the idea of organisingaseries of sculpture symposia related to contemporaryart,particularly public sculpture, in Santo Tirso. After the4thSymposium, a Municipal Council meeting held on 20 November1996passed the proposal for the creation of MIEC, aninstitutiondevoted to organising and carrying out the symposia,ensuring themaintenance and conservation of the pieces and theadvancement anddissemination of all the activities pertaining tothem.The Museum was officially opened in 1997 by Jorge Sampaio,thenPresident of the Portuguese Republic, accompanied by MayorJoaquimCouto. Its operational structure was reformulated on 25March 1999,resulting in a new composition of its staff, which, inaddition totechnical and administrative employees, included twocurators —sculptor Alberto Carneiro and art critic GérardXuriguera.The city of Santo Tirso has hosted the International SymposiumofContemporary Sculpture since 1990, which has brought artistsfromdifferent cultural, artistic and aesthetic backgrounds.An institutional museum, MIEC has been conceived as a forum forthefruitful dialogue between different contemporary art trends,aswell as for debating and disseminating public sculpture. In aplacewith strong interaction between art and the population, thismuseumis therefore a privileged stage for reflection, and aunifyingcentre for innovative projects, in view of its uniquenature and ofthe especial relationship between the collection anditsenvironment.The Museum comprises the urban perimeter of the town of SantoTirso,allowing for free, autonomous circulation, which strengthensevenmore the relationship between the artworks and theirlocations. Thisopen-air stage integrates the entire city in acomprehensiveartistic initiative, by containing the artworksresulting from theten sculpture symposia held between 1991 and2015. The MIECcollection includes 54 pieces organised according tosix mainclusters:1) Parque D. Maria II and surrounding gardens;2) Praça do Município;3) Parque dos Carvalhais;4) Praça Camilo Castelo Branco;5) Parque Urbano de Rabada;6) Parque Urbano de Gião.
meCult 1.0.9
Descubra gratuitamente videos, imagens e infosexclusivas da exposição Steve Jobs.meCult é um aplicativo para explorar a exposição de Steve Jobs deuma forma diferente. Baixe o aplicativo e tenha acesso a imagens,videos e informações exclusivas. Quando você estiver dentro daexposição acesse o meCult e ele te mostra videos, realidadeaumentada, e segredos do Steve Jobs. Ao sair da exposição é sócompartilhar o que mais gostou nas suas redes sociais, inclusivesuas fotos!O meCult também serve para descobrir segredos culturais da suacidade! Sempre que estiver em um local cadastrado, meCult te mostrao que os seus olhos não veem! Não perca nunca nenhuma informaçãoimportante e fique por dentro de cada novidade em toda acidade!Discover free videos,images and exclusive pages of the exhibition Steve Jobs.meCult is an application to explore the exhibition of Steve Jobs ina different way. Download the app and get access to images, videosand exclusive information. When you are inside the exhibition visitthe meCult and it shows you videos, augmented reality, and SteveJobs secrets. Upon leaving the exposure only share you liked inyour social networks, including your photos!The meCult also serves to discover cultural secrets of your city!Whenever you are in a registered site, meCult shows you what youreyes do not see! Never miss any important information and stay ontop of every novelty in the whole city!